The Early Morning Guard’s Song
The steam is gone
it has served its purpose
the train is gone
either disembarking or boarding
the cows have been
cleared off the track
and led back to the
the sheep back
to the pasture
steam by its nature
is transient
I am resigned to that
but even the pollution
of exhaust is welcome
when it’s freezing
however I am too far
from the curb
and must protect the
Platonic form of
a fort
it has served its purpose
the train is gone
either disembarking or boarding
the cows have been
cleared off the track
and led back to the
the sheep back
to the pasture
steam by its nature
is transient
I am resigned to that
but even the pollution
of exhaust is welcome
when it’s freezing
however I am too far
from the curb
and must protect the
Platonic form of
a fort
A House Someday
I promised you a house
which became a houseboat
and floated away
which became a houseboat
and floated away
in my mind I promised
an old stone house
by the sea
an old stone house
by the sea
one that would not tumble
like wildflowers
from the hill
like wildflowers
from the hill
one that would not
be a beach house
and subside or surf
be a beach house
and subside or surf
but outside the mind
neither promises
nor objects survive
neither promises
nor objects survive
unmoved by argument
it tumbled down the hill
and floated away
it tumbled down the hill
and floated away
the house made of stone
by the sea
by the sea
David Francis has produced five albums of songs, one of poems, and "Always/Far," a chapbook of lyrics and drawings. He directed and produced the films "Village Folksinger," "Projection," and the music video "Commercial for Cassette." His poems and stories have appeared in a number of journals.