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5 Poems by Robin Ouzman Hislop

5 Poems Excerpts from World at Large Part 2 Collected Poems in alphabetical order 

(i.) Day of Adam

O great grandmother of Eden *
i don't know
if the sun will rise tomorrow. 

The body is a tomb
soma sema
the Orphics say. 

Only the flow unfolds
the enclosure of a turbulent dream 

Where i wind the shuddering
of ephemeral yesterdays. 

Bits of drift, flotsam
on the sea of time transformed 

To now where sea horses
leave the waves
only to see, only to see. 

* Contentiously the first primate on the Savannah, arguably the original Australopithecus female Eve of Eden from which the Homo Sapient species descends. 

(iii.) East of Eden

The killing machine kills more animals a day
for consumption
than ipso facto, we in a year's killing fields. 

God made in our image, the anonymous
crowd, knotted
through with confections washed up on 

Our coast of humanity, which windows
onto a Zoo
life thrives on deception. A moral mind 

An infallible judgement, where everyone
is dead
every tomb unearthed, then resealed 

Animal, human remains heaped in fields
as tipped
dumps, where even the horizon's clouds 

Are vapid incineration, a house of cards
crumbling, falling
into one another, into the pit that blots us out. 

(v.) Lucky Hat Day. 

A sleepy bulldozer carves out the hillside
a place for tomorrow
what follows on, the jungle, the forest are without
we live in glass gardens
shooting down stars. in spite of the fact
of public hygiene there will be hunting
on Sunday. 

What follows on .... is …. & so on. 

Man cannot live on myth alone
he shall earn his soil somehow, between
the Big Bang, the Big Slam …. there will be -
but not so fast …. for reasons unknown 

All will become, a display
copy after copy, variation after variation, so it goes
on, - so on …. that which follows

A biological field in outer galactic space
the world is their toilet they shall not want. 

The world is a patchwork quilt
stitched up to the hilt its seams
which we quarter in our dreams
on which our edifice is built 

Where mind is a bobbing float
tugged on a rushing stream
while beneath the skin, bone
a ceiling sky mirrors dream 

Into a discrete assemble
time's arrow smelts in quicksilver
we the emergent, tremble
extended from alpha to omega 

Of man in short, …. of man in brief
what will he think next, after all the thought he's had? 

A computer brain at the end of time
Omega Man. 

Pack, the near infinite
(in – the moment before you munch.)
take a bit of the biscuit
before the Big Crunch
it's an eternal packet
& having all, what's next? 

(vi.) Multiverse. 

Waves that dance
an ocean maze, as we shadows
of white noise, emerge
as mirror images, alike affinities
that converge their symmetries 

though we seem to resemble
they are only an assemble
a pattern parade buried
in mirror graves
forever hidden, to touch. 

Where our stories, that unfold
chance, may never know
their fate, merged
again to veils of time
that bind them to their state. 

viii.) UFO.

Man is a rational animal
Not a pretty story
All creatures great, small
A constructing frontal cortex
A few additional variables of empathy

We've been watching you
A long time
After the aftermath of our desolation
You're our baby
Our creation waiting for your extinction

Then we'll come
We've nowhere else to go
& what will our poets do then
Or a mere fluctuation? 


Robin Ouzman Hislop. Co-editor of the 12 year running on line monthly poetry journal Poetry Life and Times & current Editor presently hosted by David Jackson at Poetry Life & Times. He has made many appearances over the last years in the quarterly journals “ Canadian Zen Haiku ”,including “ In the Spotlight Winter 2010 ” & “ Sonnetto Poesia” . Recent publications include “ Voices without Borders Volume 1 ”, “ Cold Mountain Review ”, Appalachian University N Carolina.“ The Poetic Bond ” Other works include a series of Spanish sonnet translations which appear together with his own sonnets in an anthology for sonnets “ Phoenix Arising from the Ashes ” he can also be located at www.hypertexts He is currently resident in Spain engaged in poetry translation project s and the publication of a recently completed volume of poetry titled “World at Large” and further works.